Monday, September 26, 2011

I've got this idea ....

Twenty years ago, I'll bet a lot of people told Mark Potts he was crazy for eschewing the printed newspaper to focus on creating electronic outlets for journalism. Today, I'll bet a lot of people are apologizing to him.
Now, here's your chance to take a stab at innovation, which, as you realize, is not so easy. Write about what you would do if you were given the freedom to create a new product or means of distributing news? It could be a device (like an iPad or SmartPhone), or a niche service that provides information for a specific audience or on a particular topic, or it could be a way of gathering information in a unique manner.

Remember, the means and method may change, but many skills and requirements of reporters remain constant: gathering and disseminating truthful information in an responsible manner while remaining accountable and free from outside influence. Those who have taken JOUR 300/600, Ethics, recognize much of that comes from the SPJ Code of Ethics.

Post your replies by Monday, Oct. 3, at 12 noon. Thanks.


Friday, September 23, 2011

The future of college sports

A Texas school is a menber of the Big East Conference. Colorado is heading to the Pac-12. With those three rivers running through it, Pittsburgh must've thought that was ample reason to join the Atlantic Coast Conference.

The geographic and financial alliances that gave distinct identities to the highest levels of U.S. college sports are on the verge of collapse (though Thursday's actions by the misnomered Big 12 might be a temporary stop-gap).

Regardless of what - if anything - happens next, the realignment of schools that participate in major college sports has radically altered the way the games are played, and how fans and college student bodies experience this. What do you think about it all?

Please post your reply before coming to class Monday at noon.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not to get all existential, but ...

... why are we here? By that, I mean, why are you taking this course? What was it about JOUR 328 that jumped out at you and made you want to spend three months or so learning about sports writing?

Put your answers in the comments section of this post before noon on Monday, Sept. 12.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Welcome to the JOUR 328 class blog. This is where everyone will get a chance to write thoughtfully on news events or issues arising throughout the semester.

The first piece will be on something on our home turf that has caputred the nation's attention: the Maryland football team's new uniforms. They made their debut in front of a nationally televised audience in prime time on Labor Day, and everyone has an opinion on them. Beautiful or ugly, unique or confusing, stately or bombastic.

What are your thoughts? We're not looking for fashion criticism, per se, but rather what these uniforms say about the team, the athletic department, the university, as well as what they can and will do for the university. And maybe also some artistic sense, as well. Think about other much-discussed uniforms at other schools - Penn State, Alabama, Oregon, Michigan, USC.